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Media Releases

Media Releases

The Australian Bar Association issues regular media releases on behalf of the profession. Below you will find the latest news, statements and media releases issued by the ABA.

For media enquiries or interview requests please contact:

Róisín Ryan

The ABA issues regular news updates to its members. You can view recent ABA Member Newsletters here.

The ABA holds a number of conferences and events each year. Visit our Events calendar to see what’s coming up and contact the Media Manager for further details.

ABA welcomes Epiq as a sponsor of Re-Emerge 2022

The Australian Bar Association is pleased to welcome Epiq as a Silver Sponsor of the ABA’s national conference, Re-Emerge 2022, to be held in person in Melbourne and fully remotely from 28 to 30 April 2022. .Read more

ABA calls for moderation in anti-corruption debate

The Australian Bar Association has called for moderation in the debate over the proposed federal anti-corruption commission, after the Prime Minister yesterday compared the New South Wales Independent Commission against Corruption to a ‘kangaroo court’..Read more

ABA announces New Executive Team

The Australian Bar Association has announced the election of its executive team for 2021–22..Read more

Australian Bar Association responds to recent commentary about judicial impartiality

The Australian Bar Association notes recent commentary in the media about analyses of the outcomes of decisions reached by individual judges – sitting both by themselves in trials or together on appeals..Read more

The Australian Bar Association calls on the Commonwealth to reconsider the prosecution of Bernard Collaery

The Australian Bar Association shares the concerns of the ACT Bar Association in relation to the prosecution of barrister and former Deputy Chief Minister of the ACT and ACT Attorney-General, Bernard Collaery..Read more

The Australian Bar Association announces The Australian Financial Review as a Major Partner in RE-EMEREGE 2021

The Australian Bar Association is delighted to announce that The Australian Financial Review is the Major Partner for the ABA’s 2021 National Conference Re-emerge. The Australian Bar after COVID-19: Energised, Innovative, Enduring. .Read more

ABA Signatory to statement about attacks against lawyers in the Philippines

The ABA has signed a joint statement with 30 other international legal organisations and bar associations condemning escalating attacks against lawyers in the Philippines. .Read more

The Australian Bar Association supports the independent judiciary in Samoa

The Australian Bar Association joins the Law Council of Australia and the New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa in supporting the independence of the judiciary in Samoa and urges all parties to respect and support the rule of law in the countr.Read more

Statement on the release of the Victorian Review into Sexual Harassment in Victorian Courts and the Report of the Review of Sexual Harassment in the South Australian Legal Profession

The President of the ABA, Matthew Howard SC, said “The Victorian and South Australian reports released this week expose again the dark behaviours that unchecked power imbalances and hierarchical structures can perpetuate. Sexual harassment cannot be era....Read more

The Law Council of Australia and the Australian Bar Association condemns violence towards lawyers in Myanmar

The Law Council of Australia and the Australian Bar Association strongly condemn the ongoing intimidation, harassment, arbitrary arrest and incommunicado detention of lawyers and judges by Myanmar’s military (the Tatmadaw) since the unlawful coup d’état .Read more