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Appellate Advocacy Workshop - September 2024

13 - 14 September 2024 / Sydney

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Appellate Advocacy Workshop - September 2024

13 - 14 September 2024

The ABA Appellate Advocacy Workshop is a two-day workshop, offering residential and non-residential registration, that develops your skills as an experienced appellate advocate.

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Asia Pacific Coroners Society Conference 2024

02 - 04 September 2024

The 2024 conference theme is Sorry Business. Can the Coroner's Court investigate, interrogate and heal? Sorry Business is an Australian colloquial term referring to a period of mourning for Aboriginal people after someone has passed away. The uniquely Territorian phrase captures a lot of what the Coroner’s Court does. This conference will explore themes, ideas and studies of the Coroner’s Court that align with Sorry Business.

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Trans-Tasman Bar Conference 2024: The Timeless Value of Insight & Wisdom

16 - 17 August 2024

The Australian Bar Association and the New Zealand Bar Association | Ngā Ahorangi Motuhake o te Ture are delighted jointly to host the second Trans-Tasman conference in Tāhuna Queenstown.

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Human Rights Law Trans-Tasman Conference

12 - 13 August 2024

Human rights litigation has grown significantly on both sides of the Tasman over the last 10 years or so. Yet, despite the many similarities in our economic, social and legal cultures, reference to case law on the other side of the Tasman is relatively sparse. The conference will cover some of the big issues of the day on both sides of the Tasman, including the impact of human rights litigation on criminal law and procedure, climate change, indigenous rights, religion and personal liberty.

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Past Events

2024 London International Commercial Law Conference

03 - 04 July 2024

Join the Commercial Bar Association of Victoria in London at the Inner Temple & Middle Temple, in the Inns of Court, for a conference featuring leading members of the Judiciary and Melbourne and London barristers delivering a wide range of commercial litigation and arbitration topics, conducted via ten sessions over two days.

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World Bar Conference 2024

15 - 17 May 2024

The International Council of Advocates and Barristers (ICAB) is excited to announce the 2024 World Bar Conference, bringing together practitioners from across the Common Law world.

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4th IATC CONFERENCE 2024 -  Advocacy in Arbitration:  Bridging Borders, Enhancing the Rule of Law

08 - 09 April 2024

The 4th IATC Conference will take place in Hong Kong on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th April 2024. The theme of the Conference is arbitration as a universal language for both civil and common law jurisdictions, focusing on the advocacy skills required.

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Law Society of Singapore Litigation Conference 2024

03 - 04 April 2024

Over the last 10 years, the conferences and workshops held under the Litigation Conference series have distinguished themselves as a key event in the annual Singapore legal calendar. The Law Society of Singapore has had the privilege of the active participation of eminent speakers and trainers from Singapore and abroad including Judges, Kings Counsel, Senior Counsel, Ministers, and key stakeholders in the litigation industry.

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Mechanisms in the ART Bill to thwart Robodebt-type maladministration

18 March, 2024

On 7 December 2023, the Commonwealth Attorney-General introduced into the Federal Parliament the Administrative Review Tribunal Bill 2023 and the Administrative Review Tribunal (Consequential and Transitional Provisions No. 1) Bill 2023. When enacted, the Bills will abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and replace it with the Administrative Review Tribunal. Among other things, the ART Act will provide mechanisms to enable the ART to identify, escalate and report upon systemic issues in administrative decision making, including referring them to a new Guidance and Appeals Panel or to the re-established Administrative Review Council. A key rationale for these mechanisms is to thwart Robodebt-type maladministration.

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2024 Advanced Trial Advocacy Intensive

22 - 26 January 2024

Registrations are open for the 2024 Advanced Trial Advocacy Intensive, to be held in Sydney between 22 and 26 January. This course provides realistic briefs in both criminal and civil, allowing you to gain valuable experience with senior coaches to develop your advocacy skills in real court settings.

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Asia Pacific Coroners Society Conference 2023 - Truth Telling 2023

13 - 15 November 2023

This year's conference will run from the 13th-15th November, and will include keynote addresses and sessions providing the opportunity to listen, particularly to the voices of First Nations speakers.

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National Environmental Law Association 2023 Conference

03 - 03 November 2023

The National Conference of the National Environmental Law Association is taking place at the University of Melbourne and online on 3 November 2023.

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