Due to ongoing technical problems, members are currently unable to login to the secured CPD pages. Until that is fixed, we have provided direct links to the videos below.
In order to accurately allocate CPD points, WA practitioners are asked to complete this form for every CPD viewed.
ABA Tax Committee CPD: Recent Decisions and the Onus of Proof in Tax Disputes (08.10.2024)
ABA Tax Committee CPD: The Legal Assistance Referral Scheme (16.02.2023)
ABA Diversity and Inclusion Committee CPD: Caring for Carers in the Legal Workplace (02.02.2023)
ABA Ethics Committee CPD: The Cab Rank Rule (26.10.2022)
ABA Taxation Committee CPD: What Tribunal Members Want (06.10.2022)
ABA CPD: Data Protection: Barristers’ ethical and legal obligations (29.04.2022)