Australia’s youth detention shame aired on ABC Four Corners

26 July 2016

The Australian Bar Association considers the images shown on ABC Four Corners exposing the horrific and alarming treatment of children in detention in the Northern Territory as a national disgrace which cannot be ignored.

“There is no doubt that anyone who viewed last night’s Four Corners program could feel anything but extreme distress, anger and disgust,” said ABA President Patrick O’Sullivan QC.

The ABA is calling for  bi-partisan support from the Commonwealth Government for immediate assistance to the Northern Territory to address at least the following key areas:

  • Immediately commit to building a fit for purpose youth detention facility in the Northern Territory which is to be staffed by appropriately trained personnel.
  • Put in place diversion and education programs to prevent youth coming into contact with the justice system in the first place.
  • Provide all detainees with access to rehabilitation and education programs to minimise the risk of re-offending and to assist with reintegration back into society.
  • Immediately suspend the use of solitary confinement, spit-hoods and mechanical restraints.

“The emphasis on youth detention should be on reforming young people, not detaining and torturing them. There needs to be investment into prison diversionary programs, meaningful rehabilitation and social welfare? Without it, these children have no chance of realising a fulfilling and meaningful future.”

The ABA has regularly and recently spoken out about youth detention, particularly in the Northern Territory, and believe that the imprisonment of a child should be the last resort.

“This is not just an issue for the Northern Territory. This is an issue for all Australians and one that the world will be looking at us in horror and disgust.”